JPS Gallery TOKYO / 2024-2025
"Anonymous Heroes III"
JPS Gallery TOKYO / 2024.12 - 2025.01
The Anonymous Heroes series explores the theme of "justice" in the digital age, featuring self-proclaimed heroes who hide their identities behind anonymous masks and wield the superpower of the internet to enforce their extralegal version of justice. After debuting in New York in February 2024 and later showcased in Taiwan in October, this solo exhibition marks its first presentation in Japan.
As seen in cancel culture, anonymous masses often judge and condemn individuals or actions that are deemed morally objectionable. This phenomenon represents a typical pattern of "justice enforcement" in today’s internet society. Such behavior may initially appear to achieve social justice. For instance, pointing out inappropriate statements or actions and holding individuals accountable is, in itself, a socially necessary process. However, when this process escalates excessively, it often goes beyond criticism and manifests as violent denunciation or collective harassment, becoming an oppressive force. This excessive aggression threatens the freedom of speech and risks eliminating diverse opinions and values. When criticism becomes one-sided, leaving no room for counterarguments or dialogue, the diversity that justice claims to protect is ironically destroyed in its name.
Moreover, the anonymity provided by the internet often blurs accountability, causing justice to sometimes reverse its original form and emphasize aggressive aspects. A person acting as a hero may inadvertently become a villain, harming others. This demonstrates how anyone can embody both roles, potentially shifting between them.
"With great power comes great responsibility."
This iconic line, spoken by the protagonist's uncle in Spider-Man, resonates deeply in today's context. As we hold the superpower of the internet in our hands, this exhibition invites you to reflect on the impact of your actions and the responsibilities they carry.
Anonymous Heroesシリーズは、匿名のマスクで顔を隠した自称ヒーローたちが、ネットというスーパーパワーを駆使してその超法規的な正義を行使する、ネット社会の「正義」をテーマにした作品シリーズで、2024年2月にニューヨーク、10月に台湾で発表し、日本国内では今回の個展が初展示となります。
『With great power comes great responsibility.(大いなる力には、大いなる責任が伴う)』